




Bennet Brown has been a 雷鸟公司金融的负责人 since September 2008.  采购公司债务 & 股本包括:营运资金, 基于资产的应收账款贷款, 存货和设备. Factoring of Accounts Receivable for small to large companies, 以及采购订单和库存融资.  Specializing in alternative financing for Business Acquisition, along with Growth & 扩张资本独立的经纪人能够识别和定位最合适的融资为经营公司的领域:利率, 条款, 贷款契约和服务  寻求与其他法律和金融专业人士建立联系,为那些可能因传统银行业的变化而需要新的债务或股权结构的客户提供服务. 涵盖资产贷款的所有领域, 营运资金信贷额度, 夹层和股权结构.  高级业务发展主管,在金融服务领域拥有超过20年的咨询和基于解决方案的销售经验, 企业银行及科技相关行业. 注册理财规划师、注册投资顾问、证券负责人15年.



朝圣者螺丝公司 is a family owned business since 1932.  Pilgrim specializes in manufacturing Aerospace Fasteners.  Jason于2014年春季加入Pilgrim Screw.  他负责为公司总裁提供建议,以完成他对Pilgrim的愿景和战略. 

Jason Graduated 来自亚利桑那州立大学 with a Bachelor’s in 市场营销.  He also completed his MBA in Global Management from the University of Phoenix.  Jason spent 12 years working at the University of Phoenix, helping the organization grow to almost half a million students. 

作为高级董事, he led large campuses with great success in student retention, 员工文化, 高利润率. 

杰森自愿为吉尔伯特·钱德勒·波普华纳和I-9女子足球队辅导青少年足球.  Jason originally is from Colorado and spent his summers in Germany as a kid.  Jason is an avid skier and outdoorsman, who enjoys camping and fishing with his family.  Jason has two children, Jack and Abby, with his lovely wife Lisa. 



珍妮戴维森 comes to AZ MEP with an extensive background as an senior leader at Intel.  关于她的职业生涯, she was intimately involved in over 5 organizational initiatives, 包括物联网, 全球渠道/分销, 还有一些新的商业投资.  She is a transformational leader adept at new market development with the right products, 合作伙伴和通往市场的路线. 她在战略与执行之间取得平衡的独特能力是她成功的关键.

作为协作型领导者, 珍妮建立关系, working with and through others to achieve business goals, 满足并超越客户期望.

她的领导原则是描绘愿景,并使团队知道他们在成功中的角色. 她认为,领导者有责任创造一种环境,使人们能够以最佳状态工作:倾听, 支持, 启用. 

Janine is a consummate mentor, guiding and developing others to be their best.



史蒂夫Macias是Pivot Manufacturing的共同所有人,自公司2000年成立以来一直担任总裁兼首席执行官. Pivot has grown from a small machine shop to a company that does machining, 组装, and contract management for a variety of industries including aerospace and defense, 半导体, 石油 & 天然气和替代能源. 通过利用公司建立的新的制造机会的关系和声誉,Pivot希望在其第二个十年的运营中显着增长.

除了在Pivot的销售和财务职责, 史蒂夫还参与促进亚利桑那州的小企业社区和制造业. He currently serves as Chair-Elect of the Arizona Chamber, Past Chair and current board member off the Arizona Manufacturers Council, board member of the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, 亚利桑那州商务管理局董事会成员, RevAZ董事会成员, and is a board member of The Arizona 劳动力 Council.

Steve works with variety of elected officials at both the state and federal level, 特别是将重点放在国防和cq9电子论坛工业对我们经济的重要性上,因为这些基础工业除了提供高薪工作外,还帮助我们发展和发展其他制造业机会.

一个土生土长的亚利桑那人, 史蒂夫和他的妻子凯莉带着三个上克莱顿大学的儿子在菲尼克斯中部安家, 布罗菲大学预科, 山谷路德高中. He has been involved with his sons as a coach in Pop Warner Football, 少年棒球联盟, 还有rec联赛篮球. 一个狂热但异常缓慢的跑步者, please try not to hit him if you see him running down Central Avenue. 史蒂夫这两个都得了B.S. 和他的M.B.A. 来自亚利桑那州立大学.



Hydronalix, Inc .总裁/首席执行官.

托尼•穆里根 is the CEO/President of Hydronalix, a Maritime robotic systems company. 2015年获得SBA白宫Tibbetts奖. 领导了支持叙利亚难民从土耳其穿越爱琴海前往希腊的部署. Developing technology and system integration in the following focus areas:












Matthew Rich is known as a leader, facilitator, and master of 精益生产.   他曾在cq9电子论坛部门工作, 生物医学, 和自动化工业, 以及工程和集成供应链.  作为直接影响者和间接影响者,他成功地创造了积极的结果.   他已经成功地在多个具有不同商业模式的站点部署了精益操作系统.  

Mr. Rich currently works as the Director of Operation for Nautilus Systems, Inc.  Nautilus Systems is the world leader in precision application of adhesive components.  他是领导团队的一员,负责自动化贴片机的日常生产, 质量体系, 精益生产, 供应商绩效, 客户支持, 战略规划. 

2021年,. 里奇在霍尼韦尔公司工作了25年., and held multiple leadership roles, as well as individual contributor roles.  他最近的职位是员工cq9传奇电子论坛工程师, where he was responsible for 支持ing proposals across all of Honeywell Aerospace, 在世界范围内, 以及用于创建提案的流程.   He has led multiple improvement projects within the proposal process.   Utilizing 精益生产 philosophies to improve these processes and software tools, his teams have improved process cycle time and created savings of well over $2M annually.

Mr. Rich is a Lean Master and Six Sigma Blackbelt Certified.  He has mentored over 20 Lean Experts and instructed Green Belt classes.  他是霍尼韦尔ISC未来现场领导者培训和工程与技术领导力发展计划的校友.  他的学历是B。.S. 在普渡大学获得机械工程学士学位,并在凤凰城大学获得工商管理硕士学位,主修技术管理.  He has a passion for his family, health and fitness, and missions.   Mr. Rich有机会在全球超过25个国家旅行和/或工作cq9传奇电子论坛,与全球各地的人们保持高度的舒适.  Mr. Rich says "People need process, and processes need people.  我喜欢使用精益和其他方法将人员和流程结合在一起,这样我们就可以以最有效和最愉快的方式为客户提供必要的产品。”

大卫E. 罗杰斯

大卫E. 罗杰斯
斯奈尔 & 威尔默

Dave 罗杰斯 is a registered patent attorney with over 20 years of experience. 他经营专利, 商标, 商业秘密与不正当竞争法, including: litigation; patent and 商标 preparation and prosecution; 商标 oppositions, cancellations and domain name disputes; and preparing manufacturing and technology contracts.

Prior to attending law school Dave worked for over 11 years in industry, 担任制造经理等职务, 市场销售经理, 和独立制造商的代表, 分别, 宝洁公司的 & 赌博公司.Schlegel Corporation和Gemroi Company. He is experienced in many technologies including: complex machinery, 半导体, 机械和化学制造过程, 特种化学品, 机械设备, 纸产品, 电池, 医疗设备, 支付设备(包括信用卡)和系统, 软件和建筑材料.

他曾为许多专利提起诉讼或仲裁, 商标, 不公平竞争, copyright and contract cases for both plaintiffs and defendants, including: bringing and defending lawsuits for 商标 infringement, dilution and 不公平竞争; defending lawsuits by patent trolls; the ex parte seizure of infringing goods; and representing patent owners in suits against competitors. 他在美国关闭了许多互联网侵权者.S. and internationally, and has prosecuted over 100 商标 oppositions and cancellations



本·萨默维尔 is Chromalloy’s COO/GM with proven success in strategy deployment, 卓越运营, 产品开发和cq9传奇电子论坛管理. 广泛涉及cq9电子论坛/国防,制造业,替代能源和软件行业. 在三家小型成长型公司取得成功, 两家风险创业公司, 一个F500的分部和一个F50的公司. 在3p中增加现金流&L职位,EBITDA提高25万至63万美元. Redefined strategy in three organizations; improved sales by 37%. 在6个组织中实施流程改进,成本改进为15万至53.5万美元. Proven knowledge of how growth is planned and accomplished, what is involved to meet critical deadlines without misusing resources. 六西格玛绿带和TQM合格. Servant leader who provides vision and focuses on the needs of each employee. Team builder as well as team player; a mentor and teacher who leads by example.


亚利桑那联合银行(Alliance Bank of Arizona)总裁(退休)

Ed鸡头曾担任亚利桑那联盟银行(西部联盟银行的一个部门)总裁(最近退休)。. Zito serves on the board of directors for Western Alliance Bank, is a member of the bank’s Asset and Liability Management and Investment Committee (ALCO), 以及风险管理委员会.

Mr. Zito has been a well-recognized business leader in Arizona’s commercial & investment banking, as well as public finance sector for over 30 years.  他还因在亚利桑那州的经济发展和资本形成方面的广泛工作而闻名. 目前,齐托是亚利桑那州商会经济发展委员会主席. Zito was the initial Vice Chairman of Arizona Economic Resource Organization (AERO), 州长授权成立公私合作伙伴关系,领导亚利桑那州的经济发展倡议.

目前,先生. 他是亚利桑那州商会的董事会成员和执行委员会成员, 以及市中心凤凰城公司. (董事会财务主管). He also serves on the Flinn Foundation Bioscience Steering Committee, 生活城市资本吸收指导委员会, 是加拿大亚利桑那州商业委员会的成员.

他的慈善和公民工作包括社会风险投资合作伙伴亚利桑那州(SVPaz)的董事会。. 以前, Zito lead the Governor’s Council on Innovation and Technology; and has served on the boards of Arizona Multibank, 企业网络, 中亚利桑那cq9传奇电子论坛协会, 以及泽维尔大学预科委员会.

在1981年搬到亚利桑那州之前,他是一名律师. Zito曾在美国联邦储备银行担任银行监管职位.S. 财政部在纽约和华盛顿特区.C.

一到亚利桑那州,奥巴马先生就来了. Zito served in senior executive positions with First Interstate Bank (Wells Fargo), 包括第一州际股权公司(小企业投资公司)总裁.  Mr. 他还曾担任帝国银行亚利桑那州的地区总裁和董事会成员, 商业银行.

Mr. 齐托拥有南加州大学公共管理硕士学位, and a bachelor’s degree in economics from Rutgers University.